
"Dios no manda cosas imposibles, si no ke, al mandar lo ke manda, te invita a hacer lo ke puedas y pedir lo ke no puedas y te ayuda para ke puedas."

domingo, mayo 14, 2006

And he left

And he left...
But my eyes looked for him,
my whispers called him
and my heart keep waiting.

And he left...
And my pencil now is more sincere,
the telephone keeps mourning for his absence
and my heart still is waiting.

And he left ...
While my lungs are filled with smoke,
his caresses still with my skin play
and my heart still is waiting.

And he left...
And he didn't leave anything.
Nothing to find him, nothing for my soul.

And my heart waits for nothing.
Nothing else to remind him,
because tears and smiles on my paper do not mix.

And why wait for him
if his love to me was never meant.


Anonymous Anónimo said...


10:55 p. m.  

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